Crops & Farm Animals Features

Farmers World
5 min readSep 27, 2021


A. Overall

In this update, we bring new, specific features of a farm that you’ve been waiting for. These new features are animal raising and cultivation. For these two features to work, the construction feature that builds the barn and the land is also included in this new version.

Besides, Farmers need to own new NFTs to use these features. These new NFTs will be:

  1. Cowshed, Coop, Farm Plot.
  2. Baby Calve, Cow, Bull, Dairy Cow.
  3. Chicken Egg, Chick, Chicken.
  4. Barley, Corn.
  5. Milk.

In addition, in this version, we also have an in-game market. We will sell some of these NFTs to support farmers during the game there.

B. Building

1.Crafting (craft) NFTs

The number of resources needed to craft NFTs. (Detail)

2. Building process (Bringing in the NFTs)

When there are NFTs: Cowshed, Coop, Farm Plot. Farmers put them in and start the building process (claim). After the building process is finished (the number of claims is enough), farmers can start raising in their cowshed, coop, and cultivating their Farm Plot.

Required Claims: The number of claims required to complete the building process.

Charge Time: Countdown between claims is 30 minutes (when the card is brought in, the countdown starts immediately, after 30 minutes, players can claim for the first time).

Consumed Energy: Energy required in one build.

Limit Slots: The number of animals/crops that can be raised/planted.

C. Plant:

Conditions: Farmers must own and use 1 Farm Plot to grow crops.

There are two types of plants: Corn and Barley. When growing these plants, farmers must perform the act of watering for the crop to grow.

Required Claims: After having enough claims (Watering), you can harvest

Charge Time: Countdown between claims is 4 hours (when the card is brought in, the countdown starts immediately, after 4 hours you can claim for the first time).

Consumed Energy: Energy required per time for watering the plant.

Miss-Claim Limit: If the time of 2 claims passes and farmers don’t perform the act of watering, they will lose N points that they already have. N is the number of claims that farmers do not claim when exceeding 2 times allowed (if N is greater than the claims that farmers already have, the claims farmers have left will be 0).

For example: Farmer already has 3 claims (watering) on plant. After 16 hours, if farmer do not claim, he/she will lose 2 claims and there will be 1 claim left

Rewards: When harvested, farmers will get Barley / Corn with a Reward rate of 7.5 (reward unit is NFT)

D. Animal Raising:

1. Cow: the corresponding NFTs are Baby Calf, Calf (male/female), Bull, and Dairy Cow.

To raise a Cow, Farmers must own and use 1 Cowshed.

Cow’s development process includes 3 levels: Baby Calf -> Calf -> Cow (Bull or Dairy Cow depending on Calf’s gender is male or female). For a cow to grow, it needs to be fed (claim) and time to grow.

Dairy cows will produce milk.

Daily Claim Limit: The maximum number of times that can be fed in a day.

Required Claims: the number of feedings required to grow up. For Dairy Cow, it is the number of feedings required to produce milk.

Charge Time: Countdown between 2 feedings. (countdown time is calculated when the card is brought in or after feeding).

Consumption: Each feeding will consume a corresponding food unit.

Growing Up Process: The animals will grow up and enter a different level. For example, when raising a Baby Calf that will evolve into a Calf, the Baby Calf card will be destroyed and replaced by a Calf card of a random gender.

2. Chicken: the corresponding NFTs are Chicken Egg, Chick, Chicken (a hen). To raise chicken, farmers need to own and use Coop. Chicken’s development process includes 3 levels: Chicken Egg -> Chick -> Chicken. From Chicken Egg, Farmers will hatch the egg to help it becomes a chick. From Chick, the farmer will feed barley to help it becomes Chicken. Chicken consumes barley and time to produce eggs.

Daily Claim Limit: Maximum number of times of taking care (Chicken Egg) / Feeding (Chick, chicken) in a day

Required Claims: The number of times of taking care (Chicken Egg) / Feeding (Chick) required to grow up and enter a higher level or create a product (Chicken).

Charge Time: Countdown between 2 turns of taking care/feeding. (countdown time will start when the card is brought in or after the taking care/feeding process).

Growing Up Process: The animals will grow up and enter a different level. For example, after taking care of Chicken Egg (hatch the egg), the egg will become a chick.

Rewards: when reaching enough feeding times, Chicken will produce eggs with a Rewards Rate of 5.5 (NFT units).

E. Reproduction

In this version, we can pair Bull and Dairy Cow to perform mating and giving birth baby calves.

After pairing, every 4 hours (Charge time) Farmers will feed the cows 1 time (after the animals are paired, the countdown will start). Corn will be used as food.

Animals can be fed up to 3 times (Daily Claim Limits). After feeding them 9 times, the reproduction process will end. Farmers will receive their Bull, Dairy Cow back and also receive the amount of Baby Calf with a Reward Rate of 1.5 (NFT units).

F. Products from animals raising and cultivation:

1. Products include:

  • Animals Raising: Milk, Chicken Egg.
  • Cultivation: Barley, Corn.

2. Ways of using products from livestocks and farming:

  • Use for feeding (Milk, Barley, Corn).
  • Use for re-production, cultivation (Chicken Egg, Barley, Corn).
  • Use for exchanging rewards (Milk, Chicken Egg, Barley, Corn)

Rewards Exchanging: Farmers can use Milk, Chicken Egg, Barley, Corn to exchange rewards. When exchanging rewards, you will receive resources in the game.

Example: Exchanging 1 Milk, Farmers will receive amount of resource equal 1.4 * Value Resource.

Value Resource is a dynamic value

