Tools and resources

FarmersWorld has 3 types of resource (tokens): FWW for WOOD, FWF for FOOD, FWG for GOLD. Items for WOOD exploitation (WOOD Mining), items for FOOD exploitation (FOOD Mining), and items for GOLD exploitation (GOLD Mining).

3 min readJun 28, 2021


WOOD Mining tools included 3 types arranged in ascending levels

AXE: The first level (elementary level) item. It requires 10 strength points and 5 durability points to use AXE in exploitation process for a hour to earn 5* Value FWW. (strength index and durability index will be mentioned in the next publication).

SAW: The second level (intermediate level) item. It requires 30 strength points and 15 durability points to use SAW for exploiting for a hour to earn 17 * Value FWW.

CHAINSAW: The third level (advanced level) item. It requires 60 strength points and 45 durability points to use CHAINSAW for exploiting for a hour to earn 54 * Value FWW.

FOOD Mining tools included 3 types arranged in ascending levels

FISHING ROD:The first level (elementary level) item. It takes 5 durability points to use FISHING ROD mining for 1 hour to get 5 * Value FWF.

FISHING NET: The second level (intermediate level) item. It takes 20 durability points to use FISHING NETS mining for 1 hour to get 20 * Value FWF.

FISHING BOAT: The third level (advanced level) item. It takes 30 durability points to use FISHING BOAT mining for 1 hour to get 80 * Value FWF.

GOLD Mining tools

Recently, Farmers World only has supporting tool for GOLD Mining, MINING EXCAVATOR. It takes 133strength points and 44 durability points for Gold Mining for 2 hours to earn 100 * value FWG.

Value” will be a variation. The amount of token earned depends on the Value at mining time.

Now, there are 2 methods for mining tools:

  1. Get free from a drop program (or cheap price). Another way, these can be purchased from AtomicHub.
  2. Generating from resources mined in game. (Smithy will be mentioned in the next publication)

